he prospect of $300 billion in disposable income attracted the likes of Toyota Motors Corp. and Ikea to expand here
While incomes have plunged worldwide, the pandemic’s effects are especially severe in emerging parts of Southeast Asia, where a wave of job losses and weak social safety nets mean millions are at risk of losing their rung on the social mobility ladder.
A lack of consumer demand, impending bankruptcies and social-distancing measures continue to impinge on the job market
In all, this points to a long, drawn-out recovery
Southeast Asia is no stranger to setbacks.
Now, disappearing incomes are stalling growth
The change in media environment, as well as the aging population and low birth rate are some of the reasonings why the industry is stalling. このメディア環境の変化は、高齢化社会と出生率などの理由により、この産業は失速している
Does Brady have the intellectual heft to run the city?
Through the roof
We are happy to see that sales of the new Kensington online materials are going through the roof
i have to say you picked up an important point here.