
posted in: 簡単英会話 | 0



A:How was your weekend?

B:Fine. How was yours? A: Good, thanks for asking.


What made it so great?

What went on for your this weekend?

What special things did you do?

Where did you spend it?

Did you do anything relaxing?

Is that something you usually do on weekend?

例文: A: How was your weekend?

B: Good. How about yours?

A: Great. What special things did you do?

B:I went to see a musical.

A:You are interested in musical? I never knew about that. Tell me more about it.

 How are you? と聞いて、Busyと言われた時、どう会話を繋げていくか。

What is going on that’s got you so busy?

Does there seem to be a cycle of business during your year? How do you deal with being busy?


Isn’t that weather terrible? もちろん、Yes と返事されますね。

その次に、How does bad weather affect you?

Have you lived anywhere else with terrible weather?

Are the winters in New York(or somewhere else like London) really as bad as they say?



What is it like to do *** for a corporation like ***

××はどうですか、と聞きたいときに便利なフレーズ, What is it like…

How does it feel living in a different area? Where are you from? What part of the country are your from?
What has been your most important work experience?


I see that you run London Marathon, What other races have you run?

I noticed that you are wearing a shirt from ***, where did you buy it?
Do you have a haidresser to reccommend?


What ways have you found to be the most effective in promoting our business?

What advice would you give someone like me just starting out internship here?


take the bull by the horns!難局に立ち向かう