簡単英会話 おしゃれに関する英語

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イギリスのBBCで見た番組、Vintage hairstyles competition で習った英語、おしゃれやファッションに関連する簡単な英会話表現です。
We are asking you to do vintage hair waves, which I am wearing.You have to think on your feet!

1920s were glamourous, sleek, chic

Your dress is really in fashion! (You are so stylish! You are in style!  )
We had afternoon tea at the Claridge’s yesterday.(昨日、クラリジッスでアフタヌーンティーしたわよ)
You are really in style!  (おしゃれだね!)

Hair is the root to happiness.

Office work is not me. You cannot be creative. If I can get my creative side out, because it is driving me crazy for years, it is ideal. I am unique, so I like to do unique hair.
As long as it is unique to the 1920s, it is fine.

Jamie is creating a low bun(髪のおだんご) on the nape (首筋)of the neck called a chignon. I reckon “low bun on the nape” is easier to say.

I won my challenge, inside, my stomach, was just fireworks going, Pow!Pow!Pow!Yes! Yes! Yes!

I feel like I could have come higher, but I have got the next challenge to try and get my ranking up higher. So that’s the aim.

You have 20 minutes left.

You are totally off the scent!

I think it is a total flop. 大失敗 (Flopは大失敗という意味)

What do you fancy tonight? (What do you want to eat tonight) 今夜何食べたいですか?Fancyはイギリス英語でよく使う。

They had the vote.

Shaking leaf hands 手が震える。
Swooping fringe 波状の髪。
Flapper dress
Lets see what happens.