Hi I am ****, a new intern in the office/ I am a trainee from Tokyo office . This is my first day at ***(会社名) and I will be working for the ***(部署名)team for around ***(期間). / I will be around for ***(期間).
I was born and grew up in Tokyo. I got my bachelor degree at ***(大学名). (夏インターンの場合)I Just finished my first year at 学校名, MBA Program/ Master in Finance program/Master in Economics . (以前の勤務経験、インターン経験)PreviouslyI worked at ***(会社名、部署) for ** years. My responsibility included ***( 自分の責任範囲) My experience was mainly with ****(自分の得意分野、プロジェクト経験) (ポイント:何をやったかではなく、自分の得意分野を簡潔にわかりやすく伝えるのがポイント。)
I hope to bring my previous experiences to ***(インターン先、就職先名). Being able to work at **** is a great opportunity to learn about ****(インターンの場合、経験したいことを書く。) I would like to do my best to learn as much as possible. Hopefully, after my internship at ***, I will be more confident in working on ****. /Hopefully, after my internship at ***, I will be more assured about my passion to pursue my career in *** industry. That is for now and looking forward to working together soon. 後は、自分の業界、職種、経験に応じて、カスタマイズして使ってください! インターンの場合は、忙しい中で受け入れてくださったことへの感謝の気持ちを忘れずに。 自己紹介や挨拶のどこかでThanks for offering me the internship position. と言ってもいいと思います。